So for weeks, I've been needing a pedicure. I've been wearing open toed shoes to church and let's face it, it's been embarrassing. So a couple of weekends ago, I had planned to get a pedi with a friend but my family was in town for the weekend, and yadda yadda didn't happen. So I chopped my claws just so I could get by. Today, Aaron and I had to go to Target and he mentioned he was going to get a haircut, so I decided to pop into a little nail salon right there while he was getting his hair cut. I usually go to a nice place in El Dorado, but I really needed a quickie. I always pick french when I get a mani or pedi because why pay for something that I can do myself? So because I had cut my toenails down to the nubs, my french looked a little different. Then, when they stuck me under the dryer, one of the asian ladies pulled up a seat beside me and literally stared me down for the next 10 minutes. I was SO uncomfortable. She was just watching me. She did say one or two words to me and then continued to stare at me with her chair way too close. It was actually very creepy. Oh and she asked me a couple of times if I wanted a haircut. (I guess I was kind of scrubby with my hair in a bun, but geez....leave me alone already!) Needless to say, I probably won't be going back to Rancho Cambodia's finest any time soon.