Thursday, December 16, 2010

Living Room Project

Over the Thanksgiving break my dad came and helped Aaron and me do wood paneling/wainscoting in our living room.  (I'm still not sure what it's called.  I've heard it done both ways.)  I helped with sanding and painting.  That was my contribution.  The room is still in progress, but people have been begging me to post pictures, so this is what we have so far.
So this is how the living room was before.  (This was the only picture I took in 2009 that wasn't blurry)  Basically, we had one red wall with our Paris pictures up and the other walls were white with some pictures hanging.


We have all the wall hangings up but now we need to change our living room furniture.  When we put the cream couches back in next to the white paneling, they looked yellow.  So I'm currently on the hunt for some antique looking parlor furniture.  We're going for a more French old-world look.  A formal parlour, that kind of thing.

Ah, Paris....

A close-up of the beautiful porcelain hooks I bought.  Aaron gave me full decorating rights on the living room and I went to town!!!

I'm in love with that fancy frame.  And the grayish square thing that looks like a post-it note stuck to the wall is a reflection of light from the chandelier.

I am in love with this room!  It is so me!  Aaron is really happy with the way it turned out also!  Wait until the furniture gets figured out!

The bench that I re-did.  I forgot to take a before picture.  I'm really bad about that.

My parlour table.  It looks much cooler in person.

I'm thrilled with how this project is turning out!  We had to repaint our doors in the front room because they were done in white and we did the paneling in ultra-white, so they looked 80's yellow when everything was done.  But I love my room and I'm excited for the final result.  I'll post progress pictures as soon as they are ready.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your room! I think it looks fabulous! I love the chic paris accents and the black and red and grey. I can't wait to see it in person. Sorry that we can't see you this weekend. Darn snow! Hopefully sometime soon.
